Thursday, October 31, 2019

Actions should police officer take when he stopper a deepression Essay

Actions should police officer take when he stopper a deepression person - Essay Example According to Cordner, people suffering from depression should be handled with care but not forced to follow the protocol involved (1). For example, being arrested, giving them orders and even giving them direction. Police officers should be well equipped with skills to be able to deal with people suffering from depression. This will enable them to analyze the incidence and find the underlying reason behind the action involved. If the officer finds the situation to be beyond his/her skills, there should involvement another police officer from the nearby jurisdiction who is specialized in this area of people with mental illnesses. Moreover, police should try to maintain the coolness of the depressed individual. After achieving the objective, the officer can contact emergency hospital dealing with depressed people. Police response to these incidences has been improved in recent years since training and substantial experience that contributes to better performance. They are not only trained to handle a crisis, but also to deliver treatment and other services to the person in the crisis of depression (Cordner 1). In conclusion, not all police officers are well equipped to handle depressed people. Hence, involvement of a medical practitioner is the only best choice or any other specialized police officer in the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Preferred Stock Essay Example for Free

Preferred Stock Essay Preferred stock is a security that, similar to debt, promises a well-defined (specified) but not necessarily constant contractual cash flow (dividend) to the holders of the security. Unlike debt, it does not cause the firm to be subject to bankruptcy if the dividends are not paid. The term preferred stock implies that this security is in a more favorable position than the common stock. This conclusion is not likely to be valid for an individual investor paying taxes at a high rate on dividends. A corporate investor might like preferred stock because of a70%â€Å"dividend-received deduction†. The corporate tax savings associated with interest on debt make it difficult for preferred stock to compete with debt in the non-regulated sector of corporate activity. Also, the capital gains and tax deferred possibilities for individual investors of common stock give common stock tax advantages over preferred stock with a contractual dividend and little chance of capital gains. Preferred stock has historically been important to regulated public utilities, and it is likely to be approximately 10 percent of a typical public utility’s capital structure. Preferred stock is a hybrid form of capital, possessing a mixture of debt and common stock characteristics. Like the interest on debt, its dividends may be fixed over time. However, â€Å"participating† preferred stock shares income with common stock according to some prearranged formula and other preferred stock may pay a dividend that is linked to some independent measure such as the yield on government bonds. Like common stock, preferred stock is generally treated as equity capital for corporate tax purposes, so its dividends are paid from corporate earnings that have been taxed. Preferred stock generally has a perpetual life, although it may have a finite life, and it may have a call price specified and even a sinking fund where stock is to be repurchased by the firm in the open market. It is important to the issuing firm and to the investor that nonpayment of the preferred stock dividend does not trigger bankruptcy. Normally, common stock dividends cannot be paid until all past due preferred dividends have been paid or the preferred stockholders have been compensated by some other means. Preferred stock dividends have to be approved by the board of directors before they become a legal liability of the corporation. Preferred stock generally does not have voting rights, but if a preferred stock dividend is passed over, the preferred stockholders sometimes have the right to select one or more members of the board of directors. Although the dividends on some preferred stock are allowed as a tax deduction, currently in the United States dividends of preferred stock are not normally deductible for taxes by a corporation. This tends to limit the use of preferred stock by corporations.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes Essay -- Personal Narrativ

Personal Narrative- Making Positive Changes I have positive attributes and weaknesses as everyone else does. However, since I came from Peru to America, I experienced many changes in my personality from a shy girl to an independent, outgoing and friendly teenager. My strongest personal attributes are generosity, my spirit of collaboration and my perseverance to achieve any goals and overcome obstacles in my life. For example, when I was in Peru I used to go to a hospital to help children with disabilities. I used to visit them very often. I played with them so that they could forget for a while about their sickness. At the time I could make them happy and they enjoyed a nice moment getting to know me. By helping them, I felt a great satisfaction with myself. Not everyone is perfect in life. Everyone has weaknesses. One of mine is that I take everything too seriously and that makes me get irritated easily. It’s not that I’m angry all the time, it’s just I don’t joke around that much. I think I’m not very tolerant and I’m working my best to overcome it. On the other hand, peopl...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

PET Scans Essay -- essays research papers fc

Positron Emission Tomography Positron Emission Tomography is a scanning technique that allows us to measure in detail the functioning of distinct areas of the human brain while the patient is comfortable, conscious and alert. PET represents a type of functional imaging, unlike X-rays or CT scans, which show only structural details within the brain. The differences between these types of imaging don’t end there. In both X-rays and CT scans, a form of radiation is emitted and travels through the body, and a detector receives the unabsorbed rays and transmits them to a computer. The physics behind PET scanning is quite different. Basically, a person is injected with a radioactive substance. This substance begins the process of radioactive decay inside of the person and interacts with the tissue to produce gamma radiation. These gamma rays are detected by scintillation crystals and transmitted to a computer, where images are produced. But how does this all take place? The description of PET scans in detail requires the understanding of the radioactive substance injected into the subject. First, a small amount of a biochemical substance is tagged with a positron-emitting radioisotope. A positron is an â€Å"anti-electron.† Positrons are given off during the decay of the nuclei of the radioisotope. When the positron emitted collides with an electron in the tissue of the subject, both the positron and the electron are annihilated. When this happens, the collision produces two gamma rays having the same energy (511 KeV), but going in opposite directions. These gamma rays, produced by the annihilation of a positron and an electron, leave the patient’s body and are detected by the PET scanner. The detection of positron-annihilation events forms the heart of any PET scanner. In most systems, the Gamma detector is a BGO (bismuth germinate oxide) crystal, a high-density scintillator. When it is combined with high performance photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), the detection of 511 KeV gamma rays is possible. These BGO crystals are arranged into 64 distinct segments so that the scintillation light from each of the segments can be distributed onto the photocathodes of four photomultiplier tubes to be amplified. These â€Å"block detectors† are placed into modules of four arranged as eight columns of 32 rows of crystals each. A ring of these detectors surrounds the patient during... ...kinson’s disease, or schizophrenia. Recently, new advances have been made in PET technology. A pair of American scientists working in Switzerland came up with a combination PET/CT scanner, which effectively pairs the two techniques. This new combination will be very useful in cancer diagnosis. With the PET/CT, both anatomical and functional imaging can be done and reproduced on the same image. This will be helpful in pinpointing the location of tumors, and also for the early identification of tumors too small to be of concern in CT scanning. Works Cited Jaroff, Leon. â€Å"A Winning Combination.† Time 156:23 4 Dec 2000. Mullen, Robyn J. â€Å"Positron Emission Tomography.† 5 Dec 1995.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Yahoo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  25 Mar 2001. â€Å"PET Scans.† 15 Jan 2001. Yahoo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   25 Mar 2001. â€Å"UIHC Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Center.† 14 Aug 2000.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Yahoo. 25 Mar 2001.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Building Creative Organizations Essay

Nowadays, companies are looking for strategies to face the intensely competitive business arena; they are demanding newly developed behavior and competencies from employees. Nowadays, employees should demonstrate teamwork skills, cross-disciplinary communication and innovation. Underneath these skills is the aptitude to put creativity into application in handling and resolving situations and problems of the organization. In order to effectively respond to external and confusing forces, what are needed by the companies are employees who are capable of producing new ideas. (Gundry, L., Kickul J., & Prather C., 2007) Moreover, in order for a company to cutting edge in technology, the employees will need to craft new techniques in the development and production of information, goods and services. Hence, the behaviors and competencies are important to the competitiveness of the organization and to be effective on the process of creative which is how to go beyond tradition and view things differently. (Gundry, L., Kickul J., & Prather C., 2007)When the top management gives value to thinking â€Å"out of the box,† the processes of the organization surfaces that compensate behaviors proven to be creative and such behaviors result to new techniques and methods as well as innovations in the business. As the organizations works to become effectively reactive, they must take into account that creativity not a destination but a journey. Using an ideal comparison, creativity is like pushing water uphill, wherein one must always keep after it. This entails for the senior managers to be steadfast in supporting creativity by means of actions such as rewarding both managers and employees for great ideas, recognizing learning despite of failure, admitting mistakes, and making and asking taboo. In business, in order to keep up with intense competition, the business must always do the unexpected, they should be very creative. Promised-Base Management Managers have all their needs to execute a well-thought strategy into actions, however when halting of initiatives occurs, all the significant work were left undone. Such kind of business fall may go worst especially on the side of swift competitors. The strategy and its execution fail due to dismally common reasons, and that is the disengagement of the employees because they feel that they are not in the priorities of the company, they become unproductive and dissatisfied. One of the most difficult situations that managers encounter are improper strategy execution, disengaged employees, lack of organizational agility which stemmed out from poorly crafted or broken commitments. Such scenario can be overcome, by practicing â€Å"promised-based management† which is basically the coordinating and cultivating of commitments in the most systematic way possible. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007) Problem-based management promises boost in organizational agility, increase collaboration and coordination and increase engagement of employees. In the interaction of businesses, one of the fundamental units is promises. These units bring up activities of the organization and to fuel up the passion of stakeholders, employees, suppliers and customers. At the same time as they keep the organization intact, they are as delicate as they are critical. The divergent worldviews and objectives of individuals pull persistently at the filament of promises, and unforeseen possibilities can rip uncertain agreements. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007) Hence, leaders must manage and merge organizational promises with utmost care, at the same time encouraging conversation in order to ensure the fulfillment of commitments. (Sull & Espinosa, 2007) Given that they can do so, they will be able to boost cooperation and coordination among employees, create new agility to grab new opportunities for the business and knock on the entrepreneurial energies of the employees. Communications Revisited The communication dilemmas, more of than not, cited by people are not problems in communication at all. They are in place of difficulties and symptoms at more fundamental and basic levels of life in the corporate field. Coming from a vibrant point of view, problems associated to communication in organizations usually reflect in the corporate climate as dysfunctions. The feelings people have about where or whom they work such as feelings of distrust, impotence, resentment, social inconsequence, insecurity, and all the other emotions of human does only gives implication to the climate which exist but the behavior in which communications will be handled. (Hall, 2001) Just what concerns a problem of communication is not simply established upon. The issues were approached by some theorist coming from the vantage information point of information details. Some theorists approach the issue from the vantage point of information bits concession a message; others in terms of organizational positions and roles of peripherality or centrality; while others remain to emphasize the corporate data and directional flaws. The outcome is that more people are communicating with regard to communication, while in order to achieve understanding, clarity, creativity and commitment, the communication goals tends to become limited. (Hall, 2001) The major point of the article has been that interpersonal styles are at the focus of several dilemmas in the organization such as emotional climates the quality of relationships, communication breakdowns, as well as managerial practices have been connected to some moderately plain dynamics among people. Management is not easy even if dynamics are simple. Same as the fact that individuals can and do change their interpersonal style and in so doing sets in proposition a complete chain of events with emphasized corporate significance. Structure is not Organization In the pursuit of diagnosing and solving organizational problems, the aspect to take consideration at is not only to the structure of the organization, factors related to it should be highly regarded; a framework where structure is connected with other factors is needed in the quest for resolving organizational problems. In the midst of multiple competing and complex demands, the decision making by the organization may surface to be irrationally handled. Hence, merely using the structure of the organization as a strategy to resolve problems will most likely turn out to be an ineffective medium for organizations to achieve excellent effects. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980) The new view of organization, which involves the â€Å"7’s† variables, makes up the framework that proposes to take issues by heart and give attention to the variables when in managing an organization. The â€Å"7’s† variables are strategy, skills, staff, style, systems, structures and superordinate goal, these variables are believed to be directly observed and more likely be gauged. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980) All of these variables are important in carrying out major changes in the organization, they are very much vital in attaining the goals of adopting changes. Using only structure as the basis for resolving tricky problems in the organization, or even using it with strategy is still insufficient and most likely inefficient. Failure is rooted from the lack of ability of structure and strategy to show as to why the organizations may be slow and unresponsive in change adoption. Such scenario will need an excellent style of management, binding goals and having shared purpose. (Waterman, Thomas & Phillips, 1980) In conclusion, if company has the seven variables all geared together to one shared direction, such company can be described as organized. What Great Managers Do? There is an underlying difference between managers and great managers as well as between great leaders and great managers. Great managers are those who value and know the distinct and varied abilities and eccentricities of the people working with them, as great managers, they know the secret of effectively integrating them to one synchronized plan of action. (Buckingham, 2005) On the other hand, great leaders digs and utilizes what is laid universal and the uses those as the capital. Basically, their job is to rally their subordinates into the direction of a promising future. This can be successfully achieved by the leaders if they can meddle into age, sex, nationality, personality, and race and by celebrating heroes and using stories. Meanwhile, as for the job of the manager, they shape and hone each talent of an individual to performance. They can be successful if they can determine and delegate the diversities of the employees, challenging each one of them to stand out in their own ways. This does not claim that leaders cannot become managers or either way, but in order to excel at one or both, awareness of the requirements in each role is very significant. (Buckingham, 2005) A tremendously powerful tool is capitalizing on each person’s uniqueness. This can be done by determining and capitalizing on the uniqueness of the person. Doing so will save time and furthermore making each person accountable. It creates a sense of team as it forms interdependency. (Buckingham, 2005) In order to excel in managing other people, it is necessary to have insights in actions and interactions. It should always be kept in mind that release is what about great managing, and not transformation. It is all about continuously fine-tuning the environment in order for the unique contributions, needs and style of each employee to be given the chance to shine. As a manager, the success will entirely depend on the ability of doing these. How Do You Motivate Employees? Having motivated employees is a great factor for an organization to succeed. Motivation drives them to perform and excel and give their 100. However, there will be times that they will be unmotivated and it is the role of the management to keep them ardent as they take part in the pursuit of an organization for success. According to Frederick Herzberg, there are various factors which instill motivation to the employees. Such factors may work as expected or may fail due to employee resistance.(Herzberg, 1968) First are the KITA (â€Å"kick-in-the-ass†) factors, which is also associated with hygiene factors, such are extrinsic to the job. It includes administration, policy of the company, working conditions, security, supervision, salary, and interpersonal relationships. On the other hand, the factors of motivation are job intrinsic, which includes the work itself, recognition for achievement, growth or advancement and responsibility. These factors are all interconnected with job dissatisfaction and job satisfaction. According to studies, the primary source of satisfaction is the motivators while what cause unhappiness in the job are the hygiene factors. (Herzberg, 1968) The factors of motivation are associated to job enrichment, which is characterized as a continuous function of the management. This should be lasting in long period of time and long term effects are also expected. However, all jobs are not necessary to have enriched, nor they can be enriched. The returns of efforts in job enrichment are economic gain and human satisfaction leading to large dividends that society and industry can yield through better personnel management. An argument summed up quickly goes: â€Å"If you have someone on a job, use him, ff you can’t use him, either via automation or by selecting someone with lesser ability. If you can’t use him and you can’t get rid of them you will have a motivation problem.†(Herzberg, 1968) The Science of Persuasion   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In organizations, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the techniques of persuasion in order to recognize strategies and be able to evaluate offerings and requests. The task of the organization is to maintain persuasion among accountable professionals for the application of the six powerful motivators of persuasion (reciprocation, consistency, social validation, liking, authority, and scarcity) and be able to purchase services and products, support proposals in politics or to give donation given that they were truthful all throughout the process. The Six fundamental tendencies of human behavior sets in producing a positive response as these six tendencies guides to manage the dealings of the business, the involvements in society, knowledge of the rules of persuasion and personal relationships, can truly be considered of as empowerment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Accordingly, the agents who influence the use of these principles is actually doing a favor for business people. For instance, an ad campaign is focused on scientific evidence favoring the client’s headache product, genuine weight of the authoritative; all people will yield profit including the audience, agency and manufacturer.   (Cialdini, R. 2001)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Given that we recognized a vital distinction in our communication with persuasive arts practitioners, hence we will seldom permit ourselves to fall into trap. In its place, organization  Ã‚   can give themselves better and ideal option and being informed when saying yes. (Cialdini, R. 2001) Furthermore, if we apply our distinction to our pursuit to be of influence to others, then we can logically have it accounted to the six principles. In the efforts to persuade, pointing to genuine expertise and its presence, pertinent commitments, real opportunities for cooperation and growing validation, thus coming out persuasive enough to enhance communication and evoke understanding among diverse parties. Three Cultures of Management The learning problems within an organization can be directly interrelated to the lack of alignment amongst three cultures, two of which are based occupational communities first is, the culture of engineering, followed by the culture of CEOs, and the third is the culture of operators, the three cultures should be shared assumptions that arise in the â€Å"line units† of a particular organization as it tries to operate safely and efficiently. There are three occupational cultures which organization will have to learn effectively and confront the implications. However, executives, operators and engineers found that they have been using different languages and thus arriving at different assumptions concerning what is very significant, but grasping the essence of the three cultures in management, they learn to treat them as normal and valid. Organizations will not learn effectively until they recognize and confront the implications of the three occupational cultures. Until executives, engineers, and operators discover that they use different languages and make different assumptions about what is important, and until they learn to treat the other cultures as valid and normal, organizational learning efforts will continue to fail. (Schein, 1996) The key to organizational learning either in helping engineers and executives learns how to learn, how to analyze and evaluate their own cultures, and how to develop those cultures using their strengths. These communities may learn in different ways, and we will have to develop correct tools for learning for each community. Learning should be well thought-out along the lines of industry through association of learners instead of along individual organizational lines. And business and engineering education itself will have to evaluate as to whether the suppositions of academics are developing at a satisfactory rate in order to with realities in the present. (Schein, 1996) Organizations have long way from having to resolve problems of learning, but concerning the cultures of management and occupational communities will start to compose these problems to find the solutions. References    Buckingham, M. (2005). What Great Managers Do?. Harvard Business Review. Cialdini, R. (2001). The Science of Persuasion. Scientific American.Vol. 284 Issue 2. Gundry, L., Kickul, J. & Prather C.(2007). Building the Creative Organization. Elseveir Science Publishing Company Inc. Hall, J. (2001). Communication Revisited. California Management Review. Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees?. Harvard Business Review. Schein, E. (1996). Three Cultures of Management. Sloan Management Review Fall. Sull, D., Spinosa, C.(2007).Problem-Based Management.Harvard Business Review. Waterman, R., Thomas, P., Phillips, R. (1980). Structure is not Organization. Business Horizons

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cheating in Sports Essays

Cheating in Sports Essays Cheating in Sports Essay Cheating in Sports Essay Week 3 The topic that I am researching is â€Å"Cheating in Sports†, from illegal drugs use, gambling, to federal indictments, NASCAR, all types and its impact economically and socially on society. Because millions and millions of dollars are won and lost in the world of sports, as well as the social impact it has with the public/society. So the questions that come to mind are, why do we care and identify with our teams so much? What is the appeal, what do we find so admirable about winning in a sporting game? Where do we draw the line when it comes to cheating in sports? Why as a society do we place such a high emphasis on winning in sports! Narrative Hook #1 – Is society’s obsession with winning jeopardizing the integrity of sports? This hook draws readers in and creates interest because it immediately captures their attention by asking the reader to consider societies role in possibly jeopardizing sports integrity. Readers can relate because every society in the world has some type of sports team, either, locally, or nationally they relate to, from the young to the old. Also, the majority of most people are not, were not athletes or involved in sports as a profession or employment or even at the amateur and recreational level. Most people (society) are fans of a particular sport and follow it, whether closely or as a casual interest. Narrative Hook#2 – Who is to blame, the athlete, the sport, the public for the wide spread cheating in sports? This hook draws and captures readers’ interest because it now specifically looks at several possibilities to consider and that most people will fit into. Depending on their own personal position, as an athlete, or former, involved in a sport as an employee, recreationally, or just a fan, they can relate on a personal level as it pertains to cheating in sports. I ask though, who is to blame, the athlete? How do you tell a young kid who’s family has been living in poverty, and has the chance to earn millions and change their lives by taking a little blue, white, pill that will give him a competitive advantage and possibly make that dream come true! When millions upon millions are at stake, a Super Bowl, a World Series and your team has the tapes of the opposing teams plays, or the signals of the pitcher, and it can mean the difference of being crowned the victor or not, what stops you, the coach, owner, to not cross that line, or should we say who stops you? That World Series winning home run, or that kick-off returning touchdown to win the Super Bowl, or that last round knockout by the underdog to win the match for the championship, what if you found out they all were the result of cheating? Would it make a difference, or would it not? Week 4 Significance of the purpose statement is multifaceted. It is to provide the goal or intended outcome of a study (in this scenario). Sets the objective, based on the need or problem and then particular or specific questions are developed (research questions) focusing on a single concept (phenomenon) or idea. The overall intent of this grounded theory study is to understand the ethical and economic impact that cheating in sports has on athletes and society. This will focus on exploring the experience of the fans (society), individual athletes and sports organizations. Conducted with individual interviews via phone or in person, at sporting events, sports organization, both professional, collegiate, high school, and recreational in the Charlotte and surrounding region, as well as various internet sites. At this stage in the research, the impact that cheating has in sports will generally be defines as the economic gain and the short term ethical effects on society and athlete. Fellow classmates, as I worked on developing my purpose statement, my challenge was what and how to narrow down to a single phenomenon. There is much to consider! I am trying to connect the dots of a few things. How cheating by some athlete effects the ethics of others to cheat, when they can see the competitive gain and possible financial as well! Then there are the fans, society, and how it impacts them, and their perspective of the individual athletes, their specific team and finally the sports organizations! As I stated last week, to the fans, does it make a difference, if their favorite athlete was caught, or their team? Is the problem with the athlete, or is it with us? In the reading it does state, that in a qualitative study, â€Å"advance a single phenomenon, recognizing that the study may develop into an exploration of relationships or comparisons among ideas†. So, I ask your help, should I just state, that my single phenomenon is maybe just the ethical aspects of cheating, or just the economical and additionally, should I focus on just one specific group, the athlete, society, sports organizations or leave as is with the thought that as stated above it will develop into other relationships or comparisons that can be expounded on in the research?

Monday, October 21, 2019

Financial Information System Essays

Financial Information System Essays Financial Information System Essay Financial Information System Essay It is one of the most modern, largest vertically integrated textile company in Pakistan. Insist Mills Ltd. Is amongst Pakistanis oldest and most respected institutions in the field of textile processing. Insist Apparel is a state of the art facility and was incepted in May 2007. Initially Insist Apparel used Data Flex for its operational and informational needs. This system was implemented for several years but, as the business was experiencing phenomenal growth, coupled with several inherent shortcomings of the system, the growing information needs of the company along with the technological advancement in the ERP field necessitated Nights move to a more sophisticated and advanced system. These reasons have been detailed as follows: Issues with initial system (Data flex): Obsolete: The version of Data flex that was being used at Insist Mills was out-dated and no further vendor support was available for it. Insist was expanding in terms of business and complexity. Thus they required greater support from their system which it was unable to provide. As there was no vendor support to modify the system as per their needs, they had no option else than to switch to an alternative with better vendor support. : Incapable of processing high volume of transactions efficiently: The expansion of Insist Mills resulted in a similar increase in transaction volume that needed processing. The Data flex system with its out dated technology was unable to efficiently handle huge volume of transactions. This resulted in operating in-efficiency and higher costs. The old system thus became the weak link that needed to be replaced in order to support the growth of Nights operations while allowing a greater operating efficiency. Non-centralized database: The initial Data Flex system had a non-centralized database thus each department at Insist Apparel had to maintain its own data leading to great deal of data attendance. Since each department had to update its data separately there were several sets of data being maintained and updating data was not an easy Job. Multiple versions of same data developed inconsistencies which resulted in loss of data integrity. Furthermore, it was not possible for departments to share data with each other, thus each department was effectively working in isolation. Batch Processing: Insist Apparel was competing in the international market for clients like Levies and Dockers. One of the compelling requirements of time was to give short lead times amidst its international competitors. This could not be achieved with the initial Data Flex system which was based on batch processing. There was a time lag between occurrence of business event and the correspondent transaction being processed. This means that the only time the master data was up-to-date was right after the processing has been completed. As soon as the next business event occurs, the master data are no longer up-to-date. This led to lack of proper information for decision making Choice of ERP system: While shifting to new ERP system Insist Group had three basic concerns; they wanted to have a centralized data base, real time transaction processing and a yester that could handle large volume of transactional data. They decided to switch to the Oracle ERP System since it could best cater to their informational needs with respect to the large volume of transactions and also provide the other features that were required, as mentioned above. Oracle ERP system could provide the following benefits to Insist: Better integration across departments Up-to-date database No processing lags caused by the system Better internal controls Improve customer service Reduced lead time Better management decisions Better inventory management Cheaper procurement. Lower costs. Transition Phase: Training Sessions: In order to move from Data Flex to Oracle, month long training sessions were conducted for the employees to train them to work on the oracle system. During this period, they were also made to work on dummy data in order to strengthen their command on the new system. After the conclusion of the training period, one-on-one sessions were carried out with the employees to check for any shortcomings and further build upon their learning. The company had to slightly modify their methods of operation in order to align them with the best practices as dictated by the Oracle yester. Modular Approach: A modular approach was undertaken for the implementation of the Oracle system. The system was installed on a department wise basis like Accounts, Purchase, Inventory, Human Resource and more. Within each department, internal controls were developed to ensure that the organization meets its objectives, such as system logins for users to avoid UN-authorized access. Furthermore, system was modified according to the needs of different units of Insist Mills. For example in Insist Apparel, keeping in mind its nature of business, demand gets generated automatically once bill of materials is prepared which is not a requirement for spinning , weaving or dyeing unit of Insist Mills. Running parallel systems: The older system was still operating in parallel to the new system so that business activities would not be affected. A centralized database was developed and data was transferred from the old system to the Oracle database. During the day, employees used to work on Data Flex and at the day end they transferred the whole days data to the Oracle database. Employees were required to put in extra hours for this purpose. Duration of transition phase: The entire changeover from Data Flex to Oracle consumed nearly 1. -2 years and is still undergoing minor development. For instance, the ERP system pertaining to Human Resource is still undergoing modifications to best meet the organizational needs. Problems Faced: Employee trainings: The employees were acquainted with Data Flex and in order to switch them over to the new system, trainings were conducted. This put on additional stress in terms of loss of time, business process efficiency and HRS costs. Downsizing: Dat a Flex required more manpower to operate the system in contrast to Oracle which squired fewer people. The firm had to downsize as there was excess manpower employed within the firm as per required by Oracle. The layoffs resulted in loss of morale with existing employees and many suffered from the survivor syndrome. Resistance from employees: The decision to upgrade to the new system was not warmly received by some of the employees as they had a thorough command on the previous system. Their ease with the existing system made them unreceptive to change and expressed their displeasure. As a result, they had to be motivated and educated to make the change successful. Information sequencing issues: Insist had a great deal of redundancy within its database. There were multiple versions of the same data stored. This has put on additional problems while transferring data into the new centralized database. They were unsure as to how to consolidate the different versions of data in the new database. Setting up wireless communication links: Successful implementation of Oracle required the set up of wireless routers across offices. This resulted in huge costs to establish the infrastructure that complemented the use of Oracle. Explanation of Entries of Control Matrix The purchase cycle is broadly classified into three sub-processes; purchase requisition, receipt of goods and payable. We have identified the following present controls and we will analyze how these controls meet the operational and informational goals: Pl- Automatic Notification of Inventory Falling Below Re-order Level: Effectiveness goal C: The ERP system is designed in a way that it automatically notifies the store dept. Whenever the inventory level falls below the re-order level thus ensuring the effectiveness of goal C which states that the inventory level should not fall below the re-order level. Efficient employment of resources: The ERP system automatically informs for inventory shortfalls thus eliminating the need on part of humans to physically check (count) for inventory levels. This leads to efficient employment of resources since no manpower and time is utilized for this purpose. PA- Pre-Formatted Screens For All Internal Documents: Efficient employment of resources: The internal documents in the purchase cycle are in the form of pre-formatted screens. Structured entry cells allow user to reduce the number of keystrokes and increase efficiency by displaying only the required information in a desired format to he user. Input Accuracy, Update Accuracy: Due to pre-formatted screens, once a particular field is filled, the cursor moves to the next field on the screen automatically, thus preventing the user from omitting any required data set. Incorrectly filled fields are rejected, hence reducing errors. *Wherever input accuracy or completeness is ensured, update accuracy and completeness are automatically ensured in ERP systems because update occurs in real-time as soon as something is input. PA- Compare input with master data and Automatic Population of Data: Efficient employment of resources: The automatic population of fields from the master data leads to lesser key strokes which improve the speed and productivity of data entry personnel. Input Validity: The automatic population of data from master data as the information passes through various stages is a testament to the fact that information is being accessed and added on different documents from existing records and those data establish authorization for the transaction. Input Accuracy Update Accuracy: Fewer key strokes and use of data called up from existing records reduce the possibility of errors. PA- Record Input: Automatic recording of input event data by system increases efficiency PA- Interactive Feedback Checks: Input Update completeness: Interactive feedback checks display to the user that the input has been accepted and hence ensures data completeness. PA- Online Approval by HOOD: Ensure security of resources: The Hoods approval at several stages during the purchase process ensures that the companys resources would not be misappropriated for any invalid purposes. Input validity: Hoods approval is required when a demand requisition/POP is being made and when the payable data is being processed. He only approves an event after verifying its Aladdin. Therefore the Hoods approval is proof of the validity of the event reflected in the document being approved. PA- Display Requisition to Relevant Purchase Person: Effectiveness goal A: They have assigned particular procurement items to specific purchase persons due to which they have developed expertise in purchase of those items. This helps to ensure that a vendor that will provide the best quality at the optimum price by the required delivery date (on favorable terms) will be selected. Efficient employment of resources: Automatic routing of only the relevant purchase requisitions to concerned researchers saves them from the trouble of finding the items that have been assigned to them for procurement from all the raised requisitions. PA- Key Purchase Terms in SSP: The authorized person selects the most favorable mode of purchase (Comparative Statement, LLC or Cash) which meets our effectiveness goal A. PA- Maintaining Approved Vendor Data: This allows the purchase personnel to quickly access the approved vendors in the database that they already dealt with and know their repute so they do not need to search for a vendor every time they need to buy a particular item. This saves time ND leads to efficiency. PA- Prepare Quotation Entry Form (Including Tallest 3 Vendors): Effectiveness goal A: While preparing quotation entry form, three relevant suppliers are shortlist and then they are asked to provide quotations. This short-listing of three suppliers out of many helps ensure effectiveness of goal A which states that finally only the vendor providing the best quality at the lowest price by promised delivery date should be selected. POI- Preparation and Manual approval of Comparative statement: Effectiveness Goal A: After receiving short-listed quotations, the HOOD compares the vendors in the imperative statement and selects the required vendor keeping in mind that the optimum combination of price and quality is being achieved. Pl 1- Preparation, Approval and Dispatch of POP by HOOD: The clerk brings the POP in the name of the selected vendor to the HOOD. The HOOD ensures that the POP is made in the name of the approved supplier by approving POP online. This ensures the selection of a vendor who will provide the best quality at the optimum price. Input Validity: Approval by the HOOD ensures the validity of the purchase order. PEP- Approval of Invoice by comparing with POP: Effectiveness Goal D: The invoice received from supplier is matched with the POP and then approved to ensure that correct payments are made to the relevant supplier. Input validity: By verifying from the master data that the invoice has been received against an actual POP, validity of invoice will be confirmed. By checking the approval on invoice, the possibility of entering invalid event data is reduced. Input Accuracy: By checking the approval on invoice, it is ensured that the amount on the invoice is accurate. As the master data is not being updated at this point, so update accuracy would not apply. PEP- Prepare copy for record keeping: Security of resources: Keeping records for transactions allows user to keep a track of the resources employed and this ensures the security of resources. PEP- Manual Comparison of Delivery Callahan with POP and Entering receiving data in gate office: Effectiveness Goal The gate person compares delivery Callahan with POP to ensure that the goods received are not different from the demanded goods and if that is the case, then he has the authority to reject them right at the gate. Input Validity: The gate person enters the amount of goods received in the system after matching it tit the POP which ensures that the goods being received are against a valid POP. Input Completeness and Update Completeness: After the delivery Callahan is compared with the POP, the gate person enters the quantity received into the system and prepares a gate pass which ensures that against each receipt there is an entry in the system. The master data is updated simultaneously with the input of receipt data. PEP- Counting of goods by receipt room when received and entering data in the system: Effectiveness Goal B: The receiving personnel counts the goods received ensuring that the correct amount f goods are being received. With the goods being in hand, the receiving person in the receipt room in a good position to ensure that the correct goods are received. The counting of goods ensures that the receipt room is aware of actual quantity of goods received and there is a less chance of goods being lost without coming into the knowledge of authorities. Input Validity, Input and Update Accuracy, Input and Update Completeness: After physically counting the goods, the data is being entered into the system so the data will precisely reflect the actual delivery making it accurate ND valid. For every receipt, a GIN and GRIN are prepared which ensures input and update completeness. PEP- Acceptance of goods after signing of GRIN at store: Effectiveness goal B: The signing of GRIN ensures that the right quantities of goods are stored at the store as per the amount stated in the GRIN. Security of resources: Signing of GRIN serves as a final check that the amount stored at the warehouse is the same as the quantity received in receipt room. PEP- Update inventory levels after storage or issuance against relevant demand number: Input Validity: As inventory is being entered after physically receiving goods against relevant demand number, so the input data is valid. Input Accuracy, Update Accuracy: After physical receipt of inventory, entering data in system ensures that there is less chance of error and that the inventory data is accurate. The master data is simultaneously updated. PEP- Attaching approved invoice with D. C, Gate Pass and GRIN: Effectiveness Goal D: The approval of invoice by the purchase department after verifying it with POP from master data and then attaching it with the GRIN ensure that the correct payment is add to the relevant supplier. Efficient Employment of resources: Since approved invoice is attached with the relevant GRIN, so it makes the posting of vouchers more efficient. PEP- Entering payable data in the payable department: The payable personnel with the approved invoice in hand are in a better position to ensure that the payable liability is made against the relevant supplier. Input Validity, Input and Update Accuracy: The comparison between ESP. and GRIN and invoice ensures that that only a valid payable will be approved and become outstanding against the right supplier. The comparison will also ensure that the amount of payable outstanding will be accurate. PEP- Fortnightly printing of payment list and its approval by HOOD: Effectiveness Goal D: The fortnightly listing of payable reveals the suppliers to whom the payment is due along with the payment details. This process ensures that all the requisite payments are made within the credit period. Efficient Employment of Resources: The payable person does not have to physically go through all pending payable and identify those which are due. Automatically generation by the system ensures efficiency. Input validity, Input accuracy, Input completeness: Automatic generation of payment list using existing information from database ensures that it will have only valid (approved) payable and their amounts will be accurate. It will also ensure completeness because system ensures that the list includes all the payments due. PEP- Generation of payment vouchers and printing of checks: Effectiveness goal D: System generation of checks ensures that they are printed against the right vendors bearing the right amounts due. Efficiency of Resources: Automatic printing of check after generation of payment vouchers saves time. Security of Resources: Printing of checks by system ensures that the right amount due is associated with right vendor. This ensures that payments are made against a valid payable hence eliminating any possibility of cash being paid to the wrong recipient. Input validity: The payable list represents the actual, approved amounts due to vendors as a result of past event. Input ; Update accuracy: The rights amounts are appropriated against the right suppliers eliminating the probability of errors. This subsequently leads to accurate update of the payable account. Input ; Update completeness: The system prints checks for every vendor against whom the payment is due and their corresponding payment vouchers are made. This helps to achieve that no due payment is missed and all corresponding vouchers are made. PEP- Preparation of B. O. M against an open sales contract by comparing input with master data: In preparation of B. O. M, the clerk keys in the sales contract number and the system ensures that the demand being generated is against a valid sales contract. Hence, this ensures that the valid goods in the correct amount are ordered. Input Validity: As the sales order number written on the B. O. M. Is matched with the open sales order in the database, this ensures that the B. O. M is made against a valid sales contract. PEP- Automatic Generation of Demand from Bill of materials: Ensure demand validity: As the production planning finalizes the required raw materials in bill of materials, the system automatically generates demand which ensures that the origin of demand is representative of actual requirements. Efficient employment of resources: As the demand is generated automatically by the system, it saves on any human involvement for the purpose leading to efficient employment of resources. Input The information upon which the demand form is based was taken from the bill of material. This verifies that input is more likely to reflect actual demand. Input ; update accuracy: Automatic updating of fields of demand requisition form from bill of materials eliminates the probability of incorrect entry of data and ensures that the requisition form is accurate. PEP- Check inventory level at store and write current inventory level at generated demand: Effectiveness Goal D: Checking goods from the inventory ensures that excess goods are not purchased by mistake and only the required amount of goods is purchased. Efficiency of resources, Input Accuracy, Update Accuracy: As the inventory level is checked from the system instead of going to the store to physically count it so the efficiency is increased and the correct amounts will be entered and updated. PEP- Inspection of goods received by the user: The inspection of goods by the user ensures that the goods received from the supplier are of the required quality and the quantity is in conformance with the demand of the user. PEP- Comparison of Input with Master Data for Generation of SIR: Validity of Input, Input and Update Accuracy: This will ensure that the SIR is being prepared against a valid, approved requisition against which goods have been received. The comparison will identify any erroneous or suspect data and reduce input errors. PEP- Approval of SIR by HOOD: Input Validity, Security of Resources: Approval will ensure that the issue of goods is authorized for a valid use. This will also ensure security of resources. PEP- Comparison of SIR with BOOM to issue goods: The comparison will ensure that the goods are being issued against a valid BOOM and hence prevent misappropriation of resources. Ml- Scrutinizing vendor before addition to approved vendor list :Effectiveness goal A: This will ensure that only the competent vendors who will supply the best goods at the optimum price are entered into the system. MM- Comparison of comparative statement with actual quotations received by HOOD before approval: Effectiveness goal A: This will ensure that the purchase personnel has not included any fake quotation into the comparative statement and only the approved suppliers to which the quotation requests were sent are there on the comparative statement. Input validity: This comparison will ensure that only valid supplier is selected by the HOOD. MM- HOOD accesses inventory data from DEEDS to check inventory status before approval of requisition: Efficiency of resources: This will save time as the HOOD will directly check the inventory status online while approving the requisition and no requisition will be processed for the goods already present in stock. Hence the store department would not be involved in such situations which would lead to efficiency. ANALYSIS Analyzing the ERP system of Insist, we have concluded that they have implemented the system very effectively and are reaping great benefits from this technological advancement.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Analytical Essay Sample on Same Sex Marriage and Artificial Insemination

Analytical Essay Sample on Same Sex Marriage and Artificial Insemination Same Sex Marriage and Artificial Insemination By eradicating the significance of the functional complementarity between men and women, those with ardent feminist agendas and with other ulterior motives may be seeking to (ultimately) undermine the humanity of males in our society; in other words, if men are already being pushed out of the lives of their children through systemically biased divorce and family law courts, then suggesting that men are not needed for the procreative process, either (courtesy the wide-spread use of artificial insemination), may lead to a general sense that maybe men are not needed for anything – be it in the professional workplace or in the home. In the end, with sex-specific abortions now becoming popular in Canada, a wholesale assault upon male fetuses and upon males in general could result. Finally, there is sufficient evidence out there highlighting the negative effects of households headed by homosexual couples upon children for society to re-examine its current acceptance of the idea that homosexual couples (perhaps couples inseminated by artificial means) should automatically be given right to be parents. In the end, too many questions have been left unanswered – and it may be our children who suffer as a result. In his searching examination of same-sex marriage and its ethical (and pragmatic) viability, William E. May notes that the book of Genesis holds both men and women to be equal – to be complementary partners in a union created by God. More than that, the ancient and authoritative biblical texts make it abundantly clear that God is the creator of marriage and that this union is to be a personal and intimate one wherein man and woman unite in one body (by choice) and remain locked in this embrace for all-time. In effect, spouses are â€Å"non-substitutable† entities that must be linked to one another (May, â€Å"Marriage and the Complementarity of Male and Female,† 1-5). To put what has been stated above in the simplest terms, May is suggesting that the Holy Scriptures expressly call for marriage to be a partnership between equals, a union that is to be entered into freely, and a union that is to remain in place until (literally) death separates the pair. Seen in th at light, there is really no place for homosexual unions insofar as the Scriptures call for man to be conjoined to woman – not man to be conjoined to man or woman to woman (May, â€Å"Marriage and the Complementarity of Male and Female,† 2-3; for a further defense of the idea of complementarity, please see May, â€Å"On the Impossibility of Same-Sex Marriage,† 6-7). The reasons why homosexual union appears to be frowned upon by the Church ties into the notion of complementarity; that is to say, pairs of men and pairs of women cannot conceive children via natural means. In short, the procreative process (at least if it involves natural means) is only possible if one man and one woman are involved. As May understands the matter, (natural) fertility is a blessing of God and demands the active participation of both genders. More than that, the ability to procreate gives human couples the creative power that would otherwise be limited to God alone; thus, the natural process of mating is an act that should not be trifled with inasmuch as man and woman – in their natural states as God designed them – have been rendered in Gods image (or at least man has been rendered in Gods image) and have been given the responsibility of carrying out a procreative act sanctioned by the Almighty (May, 5). Clearly, man and woman have been designed the way they have for a reason, and it would be unwise to alter this complementary state by allowing lesbians to become pregnant via artificial insemination. Moreover, it is fair to ask what ulterior purposes lurk in any effort to rend man from the procreative process. At the present time, it is surprisingly difficult to find scholarly articles that detail and measure the degree of bias that exists against father seeking custody of their children in Canada. However, there has certainly been a sense that Canadian law, Canadian child services agencies, and political elites (each for its own reason or reasons) have all favored women over men in custody and child visitation battles – with children becoming undeserving victims in these situations (Sillars, 39-42). As one can reason, if there is a general sentiment that fathers should not have generous visitation rights, and if statistics indicate that less than 10 percent of single-parent households in Canada are headed by a man (Denike et al, Myth 1) then it is plain to see that fathers are not being sufficiently encouraged to participate in the raising of their children; indeed, ther e may even be an active movement afoot to discredit them as care-givers and to harass them out of pursuing greater involvement in their children’s lives. For a good example of this sort of mind-set, please refer to a web page maintained by Simon Fraser Universitys Feminist Research Education Development and Action Center wherein it is stated, quite frankly, that fathers who petition the courts for greater access to their children and for a greater involvement in their lives are simply doing this so that they might â€Å"harass† their ex-spouses (Denike et al., Myth 2). Clearly, this sort of aggrieved material is proof of a broader effort to undermine the contributions of men to families and to the lives of their children. If what has been stated above is at all true (and it is hard to argue that it is not) then the next logical step on the part of those favoring artificial insemination for lesbian couples is for them to challenge the entire notion of complementarity; specifically, if fathers are not needed for child-rearing (or at least are not valued as child-rearers), then why should women have to endure men in the procreative process itself? The ultimate effect of this is to make men dispensable in a fundamental and troubling way – and, given as our society now has the technology available to permit wealthy women to engage in sex-specific abortions, it may not be long before male fetuses are aborted strictly because of their sex and because they are not needed in a world where artificial insemination, affirmative action programs and controversial child custody battles have all conspired to make roughly half of the population unwanted and unneeded. While it should certainly not be over-stated , any broad policy measure that diminishes the humanity and importance of any group of humans (especially those who are viewed as less important simply because of their gender) is one that desperately needs to be reviewed – and the insemination of lesbian couples is surely one such item.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Failure of McDonalds Company in Entering China Market Essay - 1

Failure of McDonalds Company in Entering China Market - Essay Example According to the research findings, a market is defined as the group of potential customers with similar needs who are willing to purchase goods and services towards the satisfaction of these needs. Potential entrants need to focus on the customers and come up with proper marketing mixes to a particular target market. The paper highlights recommendations that are available for proper entry and successful implementation of the company in the new market. McDonalds Corporation is a chain of fast food restaurants whose client base is 68 million customers across 119 states and over 35,000uotlets. The multi-national headed by Steve Easterbrook predominantly sells hamburgers, chicken, sandwiches, soft drinks, desserts breakfast items, salads, wraps, vegetarian items and other localized fares. Despite their seasonal deviations in certain states, the chain is subject to regional food taboos such as religious prohibition and is employed to avail products with which the regional market is more familiar such as beer in Germany, prawn in Ebi or burger in Singapore. The Corporation operates in 118 countries and serves around 168 million customers with an employment rate of 2million people. Among the states relates to Mexico, Germany, Europe, China and predominantly in the US where the company is the largest fast foods restaurant with a 96.5% market share. McDonald's has a 15% market share, and an approximate of 1750 stores in China as well as a command of 40 million worth of profits. It successful entry in other states such as Europe has led to operations in brands other than restaurants such as Piles Cafà ©. The company has expanded over the last 25 years to cover various states and currently holds 300 million worth of revenue and 30% of the US GDP.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Executive Reward Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Executive Reward Paper - Essay Example There is a general trend that these executives are normally paid more in comparison to the other lower level employees. The pay of these executives is made by a base salary along with several other perks and short and long term incentives (Pepper, 2006). HISTORY AND CURRENT TRENDS OF EXECUTIVE REWARD IN UK: Starting from the late 1970s, the high pay commission has investigated that there had been a sustainable trend in income that leads to income inequality. Most of the wealthy elite are going to be rich and bankers and business leaders have been gaining a lot from this upward trend. Starting in the early 1980s, it has been noticed that a huge shift occurred in which pay at the top level increased exponentially in comparison to the pay at the lower level. But still this pay level appears to be increasingly disconnected from the performance of the company. In FTSE 100 companies, an executive pay rose by 49% in 2010 (The High Pay Commission 2011a). This shows that there has been a huge increase in the pay of employees at the top managerial level of some of the biggest companies. As a result of this injustice, top pay results in market failure. High levels of inequality in income have contributed to sectoral imbalances, regional disparities in investment and assets bubble inflation. Today, the association of British insurers recognises the significance of large pay awards and they have claimed that excessive or undeserved remuneration has an impact on the efficient operation of the company. There has been considerable amount of increase in the previous thirty years (The High Pay Commission 2011a). AIMS OF EXECUTIVE REMUNERATION AND FACTORS LEADING TO EXCESSIVE REMUNERATION: Setting executive remuneration is one of the important and tough task for the organisation. the aims of the organisation behind the executive remuneration are to make sure that competent executives are attracted and retained. Apart from this it is important to motivate and encourage the top exe cutives as the overall performance of the business is directly dependent on them. Another factor which should be considered while setting executive remuneration is that it should facilitate the organisation in the process of being cost effective (Hume, 1995). Apart from all these aims and objectives of the organisation, there are several other factors and elements which directly affects the executive pay or remuneration. Some of these factors are: corporate governance, government regulations, interests of shareholders, labour market, value and culture of the organisation, employees, etc. Organisations have to balance all these factors along with the requirements and aims in order to come up with appropriate executive remuneration (Hume, 1995). Some of these factors have resulted in increasing the executive pay. Four main causes behind the excessive executive remuneration are (The High Pay Commission 2011a): 1. The ongoing efforts to relate the salary with the performance. 2. The str ucture of the organisation is not able to check and control the payments and earnings at top level. Some of the committee members have their own interests associated with the level of the salary and remuneration. 3. Condition of the labour market also has direct impact on the excessive executive remuneration. Most of the organisatio

Evaluations and Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluations and Assessments - Essay Example The purpose of these assessments is to ensure that students are acquiring the essential skills, concepts and subject knowledge in social studies; that they have the opportunity to engage in a broad range of social topics that include civics, economics, geography, history, and general social studies skills. The plan is to eventually these across the state by 2008-09 in order to measure student learning in social studies. 9 CBAs are targeted for elementary school. They are believed to be better able to assess the subject as compared to standardized multiple choice and short answer questions for instance as well as have other advantages. The main component of the CBA is the rubric page. This details how a student can reach proficiency for the particular assessment. Besides this, the CBA mentions support materials, provides a student checklist, suggested resources etc. Both formal and informal assessments are similar in that they seek to provide a measure of student performance, usually as a summative assessment of learning. However, formal assessments are conducted under stricter exam conditions because their scores are noted on the student records. On the other hand, informal assessments are typically used to provide students with practice for the real formal assessments and may not be conducted under such strict conditions. The CBA issued by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction are formal assessments. Any other student assessments conducted entirely by the teacher would be considered as informal. The Content and Regional Focus for GLEs for grade 1 is based as Families and the concepts of near and far, now and then; for grade 2 is based on Community and the same concepts. A simple example of a pre-assessment question is given below. Another question could test the student’s knowledge and understanding of a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

See Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See Attachment - Essay Example By doing this, they would be assimilated into the American culture. Most of the Cherokee adopted the new culture; most of them learned English and became Christians. They rather preserved some of their cultures and traditions; they included ceremonial dances, and their ball games ritual. Missionaries and the federal agents deemed the Cherokees a great success in the process of adopting the white culture. In 1802, an authorized removal policy began to take place. Presidents Thomas Jefferson government signed an agreement to purchase all the Indian land in Georgia immediately (Theda and Green 2005 p.g10). Creeks and Cherokee occupied much of the land that was claimed by Georgia this land extended to the Mississippi River (present day Alabama and Mississippi). Indian land could only be acquired by the use of treaties with the federal government as the Indian nation was deemed sovereign. In the near the beginning of 1800 the federal government occasionally bribed the southern Indian territories including the Cherokee to signing land treaties. In the treaties, they blindly sold their land and were guaranteed right to keep the remaining land. Cherokees took a bold step to evading the removal. They put together their laws, made a constitution and later on elected John Ross as the principal secretary. Ross joined Charles hick (Theda and Green 2005 p.g13), and Major Ridge in the Cherokee Triumvirate he gained lots of recognition due to his efforts in negotiating the treaty of 1819. New Echota was launched in 1825 as the capital of Cherokee. In the years between 1827 and 1831 the Georgia legislature, unrestricted pushed their jurisdiction to the Cherokee territory and passed laws purposing to close down laws and government of the Cherokees. They even put a motion a procedure to capture the Cherokees’ land and partition it into parcels and

Can we get along Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Can we get along - Essay Example â€Å"In Australia, Canada and the United States, one of the most important factors determining levels of inequality is race. In western New York state, for instance, nearly 40 percent of the black, Hispanic, and mixed-race households earned less than $15,000 in 1999, compared with 15 percent of non-Hispanic white households.† (UN-Habitat) â€Å"One should bear in mind that larger cities offer very different kinds of opportunities that allow the poor to better their lot. However, there is compelling evidence that these cities have much higher crime rates than small cities. (Glaeser and Sacerdote, 1999). In addition, urban polarization is strengthened by â€Å"spatial segregation† in education and access to the job market, which in turn fosters criminality.† (Delacote, 92) â€Å"... the widening of income and wealth inequality in the United States has placed great financial pressure on lower-income families. This pressure has encouraged legislatures and governing boards to accommodate easier college entry and to subsidize poorer applicants, relying primarily on the tuition revenue of students who have the ability to pay.† (Policano and Fethke, 16) â€Å"While African-Americans and whites at higher income and higher educational levels were more likely to desire fewer hours than their lower-income, less-educated counterparts, African-Americans are still more likely than whites to desire more hours at all income and educational levels. This racial difference most likely is due to greater wage inequality among African-Americans than whites. (Negrey, 94) The disparity between different income groups gives birth to the question: Can we get along? It is imperative for America to be America again, in order to reduce the crime rate, and agonistic feelings that people belonging to lower income groups harbour for the higher-income group. â€Å"The burgeoning inequality threatens the integrity and moral authority of the social order. Those locked out of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

See Attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

See Attachment - Essay Example By doing this, they would be assimilated into the American culture. Most of the Cherokee adopted the new culture; most of them learned English and became Christians. They rather preserved some of their cultures and traditions; they included ceremonial dances, and their ball games ritual. Missionaries and the federal agents deemed the Cherokees a great success in the process of adopting the white culture. In 1802, an authorized removal policy began to take place. Presidents Thomas Jefferson government signed an agreement to purchase all the Indian land in Georgia immediately (Theda and Green 2005 p.g10). Creeks and Cherokee occupied much of the land that was claimed by Georgia this land extended to the Mississippi River (present day Alabama and Mississippi). Indian land could only be acquired by the use of treaties with the federal government as the Indian nation was deemed sovereign. In the near the beginning of 1800 the federal government occasionally bribed the southern Indian territories including the Cherokee to signing land treaties. In the treaties, they blindly sold their land and were guaranteed right to keep the remaining land. Cherokees took a bold step to evading the removal. They put together their laws, made a constitution and later on elected John Ross as the principal secretary. Ross joined Charles hick (Theda and Green 2005 p.g13), and Major Ridge in the Cherokee Triumvirate he gained lots of recognition due to his efforts in negotiating the treaty of 1819. New Echota was launched in 1825 as the capital of Cherokee. In the years between 1827 and 1831 the Georgia legislature, unrestricted pushed their jurisdiction to the Cherokee territory and passed laws purposing to close down laws and government of the Cherokees. They even put a motion a procedure to capture the Cherokees’ land and partition it into parcels and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Legal Advice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Advice - Essay Example Warren Buffet is the chairman and CEO of the company and is greatly responsible for a number of investment initiatives. From the start of his business at Berkshire Company, he paid more attention to long-term investments in openly quoted stocks. However, presently his focus has shifted to purchasing entire companies (Sharon, Steven & Corinne, 2002). Currently, the company holds a number of companies comprising of confectionary, marketing, railway, home fittings. It manufactures detergents and is involved in the sale of jewelry. In addition, Berkshire is involved in newspaper printing, production and supply of uniforms as well as numerous local electric and gas utilities. According to a report released by Forbes Global in the year 2000, Berkshire Hathaway was ranked 18th largest public corporation worldwide (Carroll, 2009). Berkshire Hathaway Company revealed their plans to invest a total of $5 billion in in the Bank of America on August 25th, 2011. The Bank of America was at the time experiencing hard economic times. They had been having disputes with regard to how foreclosure practices were managed. Ultimately, this implied that they were also having concerns with their mortgage investors. In total, they had approximately $ 8.8 billion loss and a huge amount of it accredited to the disbursement they made with the mortgage financiers. In addition, the bank of America was also planning to fire several workers. Following the announcement by Berkshire Hathaway to invest in this bank, the shares increased by over 25%. The bigger part of Berkshire India is owned by Berkshire Hathaway. According to a statement released by the Company, another plan with regard to this subsidiary corporation is to sell and supply common insurance merchandises in India via its operational distribution portal. Their preliminary emphasis will be on motorized insurance. However, the firm regularly updates its business model so as to meet the necessities of the fast developing Indian insura nce sector. In addition, the firm will advance into health, life as well as travel insurance if they the market turns out receptive as stated further by the statement (Braem, 2009). However, for successful implementation of their plans, there are business regulations that will be observed.Naturally, administrative laws are related to the government as well as the manner its organizational units work. In this perspective, administrative law consists of three precise elements. There are; replication of businesses as per the recommended style, coordination of dissimilar efforts into one bigger organization and continued daily operations of the firm in smooth process to help achieve their set objectives (Twomey& Jennings, 2010). For Berkshire Hathaway Company to operate successfully, they will require licenses and permits that are necessary for conducting their business online or e-commerce business, just like all other corporations. A state business permit is the major document needed for the purposes of taxation and carrying out other basic business operations (Miller and cross, 2013). The firm will also be required to pay sales tax for conducting business online as per the state regulations (Bentley, Galliher & Ferguson, 2007). Berkshire Hathaway Company is advised to comply with the available laws and regulations as operating without license could lead to fine of closure by the regulating authorities. This determines which elements of

Upholding Peace in the International Community Essay Example for Free

Upholding Peace in the International Community Essay For many years, the United Nations have been the main international organization which is responsible for most of the conflicts and issues which had been present in the international community. From the year 1945, the United Nations is the foremost organization which is capable of uniting all nations in concerns with regards to attaining peace and security for all nations. In the international community, many nations have experienced conflicts and problems due to many different types of matters such as wars, terrorism, and etc. Thus, there is a need to have a mediating actor for the issue to be resolved. In the past, many nations had been representing as a mediator/s in order to resolve issues however, the World Wars had been an evidently one situation in which the world needed one institution that would be able to apply the best interest of every nation. The United Nations is the only entity that is run by the whole global community in order to handle all types of threats that may diminish peace and security among nations (United Nations, 2008). The duties of the United Nations to uphold the international law and maintain neutrality through protecting every nation is also an obligation which the organization is striving to attain. Therefore, the United Nations is responsible in the mediation of nations in terms of conflicts and misunderstandings which is usual occurrence in the international community due to reasons of territory, terrorism, religion, politics, human right violations and the likes. Thus, the United Nations is upholding the international law through keeping the traditional ways of prevailing peace. In accordance to the abilities and responsibilities of the United Nations. , for many decades the organization had been active in peace keeping. Many nations have and are participating in this kind of activity for they believe in the ability of military forces to resolve variety of conflicts. The peacekeeping missions of the United Nations had been present in different parts of the world such as Africa, Middle East, Asia, Latin America and the likes. During conflicts such as civil wars, wars and terrorism the United Nations are often the first international organization to be brought in the war zone. Some of their duties are to provide the medical needs of the people most especially those that are weak due to sicknesses and the hostile activities done with in the parameters of war. In refugee camps, the United Nations peace keeping teams together with other international organizations such as the Red Cross are present in maintaining sanitations in the location to lessen the possibilities of having an epidemic in the place. In addition to these, the United Nations peace keeping (United Nations Peacekeeping, 2009) is also responsible in rebuilding the devastated placed which had been tremendously hit by the war. There are times in which the United Nations peace keeping teams are assigned to different tasks such as rebuilding nations through construct buildings and facilities, feed children and people who are devastated by the war, fight the groups that sustain atrocities towards civilians and the likes. Hence, the United Nations peacekeeping is immersed in the task of helping nations and its people in times of need. It is not only with mediating and creating policies must be the organization present its active participation with maintain the peacefulness of the international community but also in creating vivid actions that will create a difference most especially for the people who are facing such difficult times. Reflecting on the events which had happened for the past decades, it is evident that the United Nation has been the most active in promoting peace and security. Reflecting on the wars which had been participated by the United Nations, it is evident that the troops being brought to most of the war zones creates a difference through bringing peace in the state. In the movie Hotel Rwanda, the civil war conflict has arisen during the 1990’s. The government did not have control with the people or the government offices, the militants were the ones that have the power amongst all the control which must be given to the government leaders. Thus, the whole Rwanda was already uncontrollable. Thus, there was a need for an international intervention which could only be done by the United Nations and countries that are related to the country of Rwanda. Due to the huge impact of the civil war many people were devastated and needed to move outside of their homes which then make them refugees of the war. In such situations, the United Nations is also responsible in creating a list and saving these people in being displaced. These refugees are given temporary homes providing camps which could provide all their needs such as medication, food and security from the grave dangers of the wars and the militants. Until this very day, the United Nations is still the foremost institution that holds the power in promoting peace and security through the help of the international law. Although there is a great need for the international law to be updated, and revised (United Nations, 2009). in order to fit the modern times, it is still the United Nations that has the capability to hold and attract the whole global community to maintain peace and security. Through similar goals of attaining peace and security for the whole world, every nation will attain its desire to have harmony with all nations. In the end, the United Nations will still be the main organization to uphold the peace and security in the world. Through the active participation of different members states and the perseverance to follow all the policies and the written laws, declarations, and agendas, the harmonious relationship will all nations will be attained. If only every state is able to know the importance of having one goal and unity amongst states, then the world will not need any type of mitigating factors to stop all the hostilities. However, in the current state of the world it is seemingly impossible to attain this kind of situation. It is only through cooperation that peace is attained. Thus, all nations must amass and address the problem through the United Nations and its means. References United Nations. (2009). â€Å"Reform at the United Nations. † Retrieved April 10, 2009 from http://www. un. org/reform/. United Nations. (2008). â€Å"UN Action to Counterterrorism. † Retrieved April 10, 2009 from http://www. un. org/terrorism/. United Nations. (2009). â€Å"United Nations Peacekeeping. † Retrieved April 10, 2009 from http://www. un. org/Depts/dpko/dpko/.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Structured Systems Analysis And Design Method Information Technology Essay

Structured Systems Analysis And Design Method Information Technology Essay Structured System Analysis and Design method is a framework that adopts Structure approach to the analysis and design of the information systems alike previous structured methods such as Yourdon in 1976,DeMarco in 1979 . It is sequential development process called as waterfall method. It was produced for Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency (CCTA) and also the UK government now known as Office of Government Commerce (OGC). In 1981 UK government was taken this method as a compulsory for all projects but since then the other countries and some private organization used it greatly (Ashworth et al, 1995).SSADM supports the developers and project managers in understanding four questions they are What is to be done, When it is to be done, How it is to be done, Where the resultant inform is to be documented (Bentley et al, 1995).Some history of this methodology since 1980, Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency determines the analysis and design methods. In the year of 1981 Learmonth Burchett Management Systems (LBMS) method has chosen from shortlist of five. In the year of 1983 SSADM made mandatory for all new information system developments. Version 2 of SSADM was released in 1984. Version 3 of SSADM was released and that was adapted by NCC in 1986. After 1988, SSADM certificate of Proficiency launched, SSADM promoted as open standard. Version 4 of SSADM has released in 1990. (Websites: This is a wide methodology and also flexible to apply at any kind of problem situation. It divides the works or projects into distinct units (Downs et al, 1992).SSADM is a basic assumption that systems have an underlying, generic, data structure which changes very little over time (Ashworth et al,1990). The SSADM version 4 has formed five important frames such as, Feasibility Study (FS), Requirements Analysis (RA), Requirements Specification (RS), Logical System Specification (LS) and Physical Design (PD). This five-module framework has seven stages and each stage has explained exactly with their own strategy, controls, and activity, this helps the main purpose of the project management technique (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995; Downs et al, 1992). Diagram: The Feasibility Study (FS) is first module of the methodology; it holds the position of stage 0, this phase has four steps: First one is prepare for study to know measurement of evaluation of the project; then define the problem by using comparison between requirements with current position; selection of Feasibility from among others; the final one is to submit a report of the Feasibility. Data flow diagram and flow documents are used in this technique (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). Requirement Analysis (RA) is one of the most important stages of SSADM. This involved with describing the requirements of information systems. This is a fundamental level for business purpose. It has two stages; a major aim of the first stage is to make understand fully about the system for analysts. Analyst should investigate the feasibility of the project if before stage was not done and also the problem situation should be described by using data models and data flow models; Interviewing to the employees and users also included in this stage. The second one is Business System option; during this stage the analysts would determine such business system options by group actions for their customers. The previous stage has named that, a business system option is a potential solution to the system requirements. This includes boundaries of the solution and inputs and outputs. Requirement Specification (RS) is a single stage and it makes over the description of the current environment and business system option which was made by Requirements Analysis. Clients of this system would select business option at the end of RA. During this stage analysts should combine the investigation of all the stages results from 1 to 3 by keep the business option, to develop a specification of the system. It also describes actual function of the system. Entity-event modelling and rational data analysis are the techniques used in this stage. During the stage 3, various models of the system are being developed such as, Data Flow Model (DFM) and Logical Data Model (LDM).This stage brings details the DFM and LDM. The function definition has unites into one for specification process design at this stage. The next module, Logical System Specification (LS) has two stages in it. Such as stage 4 and stage 5, Technical System Option considered as stage 4 and Logical design as stage 5. Technical System Option is the final stage for analysis phase and conversion to the literal system design. Many execution chances are suggested to select nearly suitable solution similar to stage 2. This technical system options are measured by financial cost and performance of the system and limitations etc. After the stage 4, Logical Design took place as a stage 5, the works and investigation has been done as same like before stage. The main execution of Logical Design is about human factor. It defines dialogue and updates enquiries in non-procedural manner, which is independent of any implementation strategy. Physical Design (PD) is the final module of this system. It is the best choice of possible technical and logical solution, the designer combines the result of the previous stages to build the final aim of the system. This is stage 6 and outcomes in PD for the data and processes (Ashworth et al, 1990, Bentley et al, 1995, Downs et al, 1992). The above essay tells that, SSADM has a well-defined structure and easy to understand by everyone. Many of the UK University has taken this information system in comprehensively and completely. These models and diagrams are giving complete definitions for the final users and developers to understand (Ashworth et al, 1990, Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). ETHICS (Effective Technique and Human Implementation of Computer-based Systems) Ethics methodology came up out of work started by Enid Mumford at Manchester Business School in 1969. Since then, it has been used in industries and the health services. Much experience gained from these usages (Mumford, 1997). Ethics is acronym, but this approach is to represent the ethical position. This is the information system development, which strongly supports the human participation (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). This methodology is well-known for its importance and interest in the human side of systems design (Jayaratna, 1994). It includes the socio-technical view for the system to be effective and this technology should be applicable for social and organisational factors. It also means that a valuable quality of working life and increased job satisfaction of the users is one of the major objective of this system design process. Mumford determines the essential quality of socio-technical approach as one which recognizes the interaction of technology and people and produces the work systems which are both technically efficient and have social characteristics which lead to high job satisfaction; and job satisfaction as the attainment of a good fit between what the employee is seeking from his work-and his job needs, expectations and aspirations-and what he is required to do in his job-the organisational job requirements which mould his experience(Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995). To determine the concept of fit is used to describe the job satisfaction in five fields: Firstly, knowledge fit as a good fit lives when employees should accept that their skills are being adequately utilized and their knowledge being improved to make them efficiently; Physical fit is the second area that means; job must suitable for the employee status, encouragement of the progress and work interest; thirdly efficiency fit, it composed of the effort-reward bargain, work controls and supervisory controls; fourthly the task structured fit, that measures the level to the employees task are considered as being fulfilling and demanding; and the final area is ethical fit, this is also represents social value fit and determines whether the employer organisation be compatible with values of employee(Avison and Fitzgerald 1995). Ethics is a methodology that based on human participation and socio technical character. The Ethics design group consist of users, managers and technical experts. The objective of this methodology helps the design group in the way of identifying and formulating the problem, and also it will set objectives and develop alternatives, and allow other actions like implementing and evaluating new system. It aims to construct the computer based system that provides job satisfaction and achieve the efficiency needs of the organisation (Jayaratna, 1994). During this development, the importance placed on both the human and social and the technical views of the system. Users formulate social alternatives to improve job satisfaction, and experts formulate technical alternatives to improve business efficiency. The above aspects are emphasis to identify the best socio-technical fit under the common cost, resource and other environment constraints (Wong, 2001). Here, the ETHICS steps are executed by the design group: Why change? By enquiring about the problem situation of the current system, design group try to get objective through regular meetings and some discussions to answer the question: why do we need to change. This step gives clear reasons about why the changing system needed (Mumford, 1993). System Boundaries. The design team tries to identify the boundaries of the system and also how it is interfaces with other system. Description of Existing System. This step aims to educate the design group to know how the existing system works. Everyone in this group has more comprehensible of previous system before moving to the new system. 4, 5 and 6 Definition of the key objectives, tasks and information needs. Identify the key objectives for the design groups; the task required to achieve these objectives and information is needed to carry out the tasks. 7. Diagnosis of Efficiency Needs. The design group tries to identify the weak link in the system and that is to be documented. These are main reason for errors. Everyone outside the team help to identify the efficiency need. This could be the opportunity for the team to get involved in the development process. 8. Diagnosis of Job Satisfaction Needs. This is achieved by the standard questionnaire given in the ETHICS methodology. As we know earlier ETHICS is a human-cantered method for others to gain the job satisfaction. The design team tries to identify people needs and also ways to increase satisfaction by using ETHICS questionnaire. This questionnaire covers knowledge fit, physical fit, efficiency fit, task structured fit and ethical fit. 9. Future Analysis The new system need to be designed in the way that apart from just being better from previous system, it should also be able to cope with future changes that may occur in the technological, business and organisation or fashion. 10. Specifying and weighting Efficiency and Job Satisfaction Needs and Objectives Mumford identifies that this is the key step for the whole methodology. Objectives are set according to the diagnosis results of the three previous steps. It can be very difficult task and must involve everyone in the organisation. 11. Organizational Design of the New System. This is the logical and conceptual design of the new system. It should be performed in parallel with next step. The output of this step is detailed about the organizational changes which are needed for the job efficiency and satisfaction objectives. 12. Technical Options. The physical design has been taken by this step for new system. There are some various technical systems like hardware, software and GUI would be investigated and evaluated. By end of this step, most suitable one helps to achieve target of the project and job satisfaction. 13. Preparation of Detailed Design Work. In this step the selected system is designed in detail. The previous documentation is recorded and groups are defined, tasks, responsibilities are allocated and finally relationships are created. 14. Implementation. This is the important step of the development project. The design group now applies the success implementation of design. This connects closely to planning the implementation process in detail. 15. Evaluation. After the successful implementation, the system is assured it is meeting its main objectives, particularly in relation to efficiency and job satisfaction (Avison and Fitzgerald, 1995, Mumford, 1993). Mumford recognizes that implementing this methodology is not an easy one; also she is making the addition point that participative may not work at the powerful situations where the objectives of the system have as a part of the reduction of cost and redundancies. Aylors and Myers suggest that participation may be achieved will be dependent on culture and politics of the organisation more than individuals (Avison and Taylor, 1995). However, many organizations are trying to establish the participation approach in flexible and more useful manner. The comparison between two methodologies (SSADM ETHICS): As we said in the introduction before, we will do comparison between two methodologies mentioned above by using NIMSAD (Normative Information Model-Based System Analysis and Design) framework. These methodologies are compared in detail by using the different steps. This framework consists of three steps and one of the steps contains eight stages fewer than three phases and all the stages steps are correctly evaluated. The steps and stages of the framework will be explained below, The Problem Situation (the methodology context). The Intended Problem Solver (the methodology user). The Problem Solving Process (the methodology). Phase 1- Problem Formation: Stage 1- Understanding the situation of concern. Stage 2- Performing the diagnosis. Stage 3- Defining the prognosis outline. Stage 4- Defining Problem Stage 5- Deriving notional systems. Phase 2- Solution Design: Stage 6- Performing the conceptual/logical design. Stage 7- Performing the physical design. Phase 3- Design Implementation Stage 8- Implementation of design. Evaluation. Problem Situation: This framework will be involved with clients and defines different between the action world and thinking world. This step explains that the problem situation lives in only on action world but the problem solving situation will be in both world. A diagrammatic model cannot catch the elements of an organisation, but they could be used to clarify the concepts and components. This clearly tells that the problem solvers own knowledge and skills will not help to understand the problem situation unless he/she know the organisational language (Jayaratna). In Ethics, the problem situation of the existing system is clearly analysed through the regular meetings and proper discussion. This step could be a main cause for the system change plan. The boundaries of the system have been identified by the design group and also they try to determine how boundaries are connected and communicated with other system (Mumford, 1993).When compare to Ethics, SSADM investigate and study about the problem situation and they will confirm the position from user. These results are explained by the data flow diagram Diagram of problem solving situation: Intended Problem Solver: The intended problem solver is who originate within the organisation or outside of it. We have begun to discuss about the agreement of role and the act of forming relationship to be effective. The NIMSAD framework explains that the intended problem solver adds the single man component to the process and their Mental Construct is used. In Ethics, after the analysis process, this step shows that the design group is been educated about the problem which will make them clear view of the existing problem situation. The main aim of the problem solver is to achieve the job satisfaction and efficiency needs. But in SSADM, the problem solver is fully trained and skilled. They will not get any advice like Ethics and have to understand the problem and find the solution of their own. Diagram for the intended problem solver: Problem Solving Process: NIMSAD defines three important phases and eight detailed stages in this step and can be applicable for any problem solving process. This framework cannot be assumed and this should be achieved at the right time. This methodology could be structured process to alter transformation from current situation to the desired situation. Phase 1.Problem Formulation: Stage1.Understanding the Situation of concern: Understanding the problem is fully based on each one of our mental construct. This stage will build boundaries to determine the field of interest and clear communication of boundaries to avoid danger and this focused on investigation and establish concerned situation. In Ethics as mentioned above, the problem situation is identified. After that the boundaries are set accordingly for evaluating the problem. Then the designer will start gathering the points to solve a problem. In SSADM, the problem is been assumed as a data flow diagram and this will be used to solve the problems. So they will start making points to evaluate the problems. Stage2.Perfoming the Diagnosis: Diagnosis is clearly communicated expression of understanding and that is gained from investigating the problem situation. This is a static expression and also identified by the tool for problem solver or prescribed by the methodology. Mental construct and situation concern are the dynamic process of the expression. Action World cannot be represented by only in diagrammatic way but, it can be a certain priority for the problem solver. In Ethics, diagnosis is to identify the weak link which creates errors and make a document of them for future use. The weak links are the reasons for errors in the system. Everyone from outside can help to determine the efficiency needs. This will be an opportunity for them to get involve. Ethics is human-centered method and its aims to get job satisfaction from each of the employers. A new system should be developed or designed for to cope with the future changes. Diagnosis is a big opportunity for the whole management to get involve for the result (Mumford, 1993). In SSADM, the developers have not been advised or educated to cope the problem situation. The designers should know what the system actually need and they should study and decide about problem. The designers will keep the current records and previous documents Stage3. Defining the prognosis outline: Prognosis pointed a diagrammatically by various outline shape and also it is a desired situation. The prognosis outline compares the current situation with desired situation for to identify the problem. This stays only in outline rather than elaborated. It is presented in few methodologies because, this is an intellectual and political skills. Ethics problem situation has been done in various outlines, and the designers will get feedback from others or inside of the organisation to handle the situation as much as possible. In SSADM, problem elements of the existing system could be chosen by the user among some options like business. Analyst should design the system requirements for how the users exactly want. Stage4.Defining Problem: After clarifying the before stages rationale, the problem solver can look at the system prevention from moving from current to desired state. It will try to find the explanation of problem statements. This process defines that the problem looks at the mapping of two comprehended states. Jayaratna defined that this process is critical and identify the absence of the aspects and this must be based on some form of questions what and why, not how and whom. In Ethics, the design team tries to determine the way to increase the job satisfaction by asking questions. There are some key steps involved in this step as mentioned in before stage. Everyone from the organization must get involve for the development process. In SSADM, the problem cannot be solved by simply looking and thinking as prognosis does. So result of the feasibility study should be combined by the analyst with business option. Stage5.Deriving Notional Systems: Notional system is achieved after completing the Diagnosis to Prognosis as current to desired situation by mapping for to defeat the identified problems and alter the transformation. This model allows the structured problem situation and that can be unstructured or ill-structured and this may be difficult to find. In Ethics, prefers no diagrammatic representation for the changing process. All the design group and analyst will be educated and advised properly for the development process to get good results (Mumford, 1983). SSADM, it is a validating necessary step for the user. The data flow diagrams are used to achieve the actual model of the system requirements. There will be priority for the users need and also feedbacks after increasing prototype for next process. Phase2. Solution Design: Stage6.Perfoming the conceptual/logical design: Diagnosis model is basis for the creation or change of structures, roles, task, functions, information and attitudes of the notional system. This stage is also providing a chance for to re-evaluate the previous stage. In this event, the boundary situation and its contents are considered. In Ethics, the job satisfaction is achieved by the modification from result of this stage. This stage will study that, this is been done by the logical design for developing the system. SSADM use the data flow diagrams for all of the logical design techniques. The designers will perform their operation by changing the diagrams according to the requirements and guidelines. This organisation of system checks the requirements for the system development process. Stage7. Performing the Physical Design: The physical design provides the ways and entails of implementing the logical design. It also points that physical constrains and resources available to implement the logical design. The physical design is regarded with two questions to perform, how it could be done and who is going to do this. The criteria of the physical design determine the decision of the appropriate model, such as Efficiency, Reliability, Security, and Accuracy, upgradeability and Availability, etc. In Ethics, this stage is followed by the logical design. It is investigated and evaluated using the hardware, software, and GUI. In order to achieve the design of the system. In SSADM, the physical design checks whether, it reaches the users specification or the needs of the developing system. Then the system is passed to the programmer from the developer and from here the implementation of the system begins. Phase 3.Design Implementation: Stage8.Implementatoin of the design: It is concerned with the organization of the notional system inside the context of the problem situation. The writing code practice and requiring knowledge and skill in itself, is the component of the implementation process. The competence at translating model from thinking world to action world will be the tested in the implementation stage. Ethics plays vital role in the implementation of the design. The design group complete the entire system and produced to user, then gets the feedback from user. If there are any changes in the developed system, they have to restart the entire system. This is considered as a main drawback in this method (Mumford, 1993). When compare to Ethics, SSADM is well organised, because in this methodology the design group explains the system in each and every stage and then proceed to the forthcoming stages. Evaluation: The entire purpose of NIMSAD framework is evaluating all the methodologies. Evaluation is nothing but asking question, so this framework concerned with the user for to ask questions from the first three steps for the evaluation process. Then the problem solver will ask questions related to the problem situation, then their own the mental construct and experience will be taken for the evaluation. In Ethics, this is the final step of the methodology after completing the implementation part. This evaluation process checks whether the system is achieved the job satisfaction and efficiency needs which is the main objectives of the system. When compare to the Ethics, SSADM does not give more importance to this stage, because it will get feedbacks from the user at each and every stage. Conclusion: There are lot of essential differences between the SSADM and ETHICS as we have looked in the previous sections. The ETHICS methodology aims to attain balance between the designers and available technologies. It provides good opportunity for the developers to work in flexible, highly co-operative environment. Some people believe that ETHICS is impractical because, unskilled cannot design in the right manner and management never take that. The socio-technical approach is the solution for problem situation. As we discussed earlier, ETHICS will not be the right solution like other methodologies, it has both negatives and limitations. The people should trust themselves and try to learn the system to achieve great job efficiency. Every organization attains the profit and business objectives by the combination of job satisfaction and job efficiency. As we discussed earlier, SSADM is a structured subsystem and this will be one of the main reason for easy understanding and studying the system and also causes for well-defined subsystems. The final users and developers can understand the exact definitions through diagrams and models. SSADM is a growing development method and it helps to distinguish the physical and logical parts of the design. The final users of the SSADM involves in the development process. It gives an idea about to use different techniques of this framework such as how, why, when, and where. It gives three various system views for the developers (Ashworth et al, 1990).